Wednesday, May 13, 2020

The Problem Of Child Poverty Is Much Bigger Than It Seems.The

The problem of child poverty is much bigger than it seems. The impact increases over time because these children have their own children who are likely to get stuck in a cycle of poverty and dependency. Poverty affects many aspects of a child’s life including their self-esteem, education, happiness, and their general mindset on the rest of their life. Reading on this issue opens doors to the real-life problems that America faces and attempts to fix. Poverty is linked to many negative outcomes for children. Research shows that over 20% of children under the age of 18 are ofï ¬ cially â€Å"poor†. This means they live in households with incomes below the federal poverty line. Also, another 20% of children are â€Å"near poor†. These statistics are†¦show more content†¦This is important to know because it isn’t a major focus in child poverty but it happens to be the most fragile and important for a kid to grow up successful. â€Å"Low-income stu dents are four and a half times more likely to drop out of high school, and even those who are academically proficient are far less likely to complete college. The gap in SAT scores between wealthy and poor students has grown by 42% in the last two decades. And financial stability has become less attainable even for college graduates, with only one-third of adults under 35 forming independent households.†, says Eric Jenson, a man who wrote the book Teach poverty in mind. In this book, it helps you understand that education is the key to escaping poverty, as poverty remains the biggest obstacle to education. Even though students of poverty have a harder time learning materials they aren’t broken or illiterate they just need a bit more attention a regular student a once a teacher can create that bond with the student they can help that child defeat that obstacle in education. Elder was one of the first researchers to link parents economic hardship to children s psychiat ric problems. In one study, Elder retrospectively studied 167 California children born in 1920-1921 who lived in Oakland during the depression years of the 1930s. Using the data archive of the Oakland Growth Study, Elder found a positive association between economic hardship and neglectful

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